Monday, 10 June 2013

Monthly Moodboard - It's Been a While

It's been over a month since the last post on Make Do Sew, apologies but at times there are things that happen to us all that take priority over everything and this past couple of months has been tough.  Hence why my blogging and social media activity has been at a minimum.

I don't like to share too much of my private life on my blog as I feel it's unfair on my family who either, don't want to be posted on the internet or are too young to make that choice for themselves.  However at the moment my life is going through a transitional period and this means my usual 2-4 blog posts a week will be a bit sporadic until life reaches some kind of normality.

Despite all this my mind can't help but think up 'crafty makes, and potential blog posts to share, it's a cathartic process that allows the mind a needed rest.  Time permitting I'm intending to post at least once a week and my Monday Moodboards will be monthly for a while.  Thanks to all those who have contacted me, it's been lovely to know that people I've never met are looking out for me, surely that's one of the many beauties that blogging and networking offer.

My Moodboard today is 'yellow', such a happy and optimistic colour that sums up summer wonderfully.

Have a great day everyone. Xxx

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  1. Hey lovely Lou, hope everything settles down soon and it all 'comes out in the wash' or whatever other helpful phrase suits your situation! Take care. Rachel xx

  2. What a lovely sunny moodboard ... hope all is well with you and that everything works out ... Bee xx

  3. I have been thinking I haven't seed you blog in awhile, but, I haven't really been blogging either so thought maybe I'd just missed you!
    Anyhows, I hope you reach normality soon, transitional periods can be positive, sending you some positive vibes!! X


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