Monday, 1 July 2013

My Daughter Loves to Draw Cats

I couldn't resist sharing these with you, I never knew my 5 year old daughter liked drawing cats so much.  Each one has its own quirky personality and charm; I really like the simplicity of each of them.  They made me smile, I hope you like them too.

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  1. They are really good drawings of cats for a 5 year old. Very cute! My 3 year old boy is into drawing aliens. They look more like potatoes with a few lines for legs and arms but he's pretty proud of them :)

    1. Hi Cassie, how are you? I love kids drawings, they seem to see the world so differently to adults xxx

  2. Aw those cats are adorable very talented daughter there! My daughter is into drawing moshi monsters at the moment. I prefer cats myself :)

    1. Hi thank you so much for your comment, my daughter seems obsessed by drawing them. I love the way children obsess about different things, we've yet to go down the mosh monsters route!


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