It really is very easy to make tin can lanterns, see my step-by-step photos below.
1. Clean and remove the label from your tin can, fill with water leaving a 2-3 cm space at the top, place in the freezer and when completely frozen it is ready to work on.
2. Design a rough template to fit the dimensions of your can and attach with sticky tape to hold it securely in place. Alternatively create your design free hand.
3. You will need a hammer and a good sized nail to create your design.
4. The first thing you need to do is to make the holes for a wire handle (if you want one) about 1-2cm from the top edge of the tin on opposite sides of the tin. Then work your way around the tin hammering enough holes to create your design, the more haphazard the better!!
5. Remove the paper and place a t-light inside the tin for a lovely effect (once dark).