I am lucky enough to have another great guest blogger featuring on Make, Do, Sew today, Samantha writes 'Create it With Samantha'. This blog is an eclectic mix of craft, motherhood, home life, vintage and recipes. It's a really good read and appeals to a wide audience with its broad range of subjects. Samantha is also in the midst of putting together a website and also has an Etsy shop, she is one busy woman!!! Today's guest post is a fantastic tutorial with step by step instructions/images to follow. I hope you enjoy!
Project: Wedding Ring Pouch Designer: Samantha Schofield
This Wedding ring pouch, is a perfect customised gift for the Bride and Groom and also handy for the Best Man too! Wedding rings are so tiny and on the big day can be easily mislaid, make this little pouch to not only to give reassurance to the Best Man but also a keepsake of the Wedding Ceremony. I still use mine for holidays, swimming trips, DIYing; those times when it is safer to take your rings off and put them in a safe place.
Here is how you can make this project within two hours with many items from your sewing box.

You Will Need:
15cm x 12cm linen fabric75cm x cream double faced 3mm ribbon (Cut into 3 pieces 2 x 20cm and 1 x 35cm)
1 skein of embroidery stranded cotton thread DMC 3712
1 pot of fabric paint Dylon gold
Heart stamp (this one was in a stamping kit from Boots.com)
1 cross stitch needle
1 sewing needle
1 spool of self coloured thread
Sewing scissors
Sewing pins
Use of a sewing machine
Cross Stitch Pattern ABC
Let’s Create!
1. Fold The Fabric - fold into thirds length ways and then in half.
2. Stamp Your Hearts - Test first to get your stamping technique perfected on paper! Print using equal amounts of fabric paint across your stamp, five hearts across your fabric using the picture as a guide.
3. Stitch Your Hearts & Initials - thread your needle with two strands of stranded cotton in 20cm lengths. Firstly using a backstitch, outline the printed hearts.
Then following the cross stitch pattern, add the initial of the bride and groom over the hearts which will form the inside of the pouch.
If you are new to cross stitch this link on technique can help. Link to http://www.cross-stitching.com/how-to from a click through from ‘help’
4. Detail of cross stitch and backstitching
5. Add The Ribbons - pin the longest ribbon to the centre back and hand stitch on. With the two smaller ribbons, tie in a knot in the middle. Handstitch the ribbons in the bare centre square so they are in line with the initial hearts. This is where the rings will be secured.
6. Sew The Pouch Together - with the right sides together and the ribbons tucked in, pin and sew on the sewing machine the pouch together down one short side and the longest side. Grade the seams and cut the corner bulk off. Then turn inside out to show correct side. Press. Handstitch up the open side to form a seam. If the fabric frays, it maybe easier to zigzag the raw edge to make easier handling.
7. Press The Ribbons & Seams - with the end of iron on a low heat press.
Your Finished Wedding Ring Pouch!
For more inspiration visit my website www.samanthaschofield.co.uk or my blog http://createitsamantha.blogspot.co.uk to rediscover vintage and ladylike crafts!