Tuesday, 12 February 2013


I am so happy to be a guest blogger on the wonderful Make Do Sew blog.  Very exciting, as this is my first guest post anywhere ever!

I write over at www.catseatdogs.com and I have been blogging for almost a year.  I make jewelry and sell it on Etsy and locally here in the Mid West of America where I live with my husband and 2 boys. We have lived here for about 10 years and I am from Lincoln, UK originally

I am going to share with you a new project for 2013 which could be a great collection by the end of the year.  A nice change from the photographic challenges, although I do love them and I post my 'Photo a Day' every month.  I started the photo challenge at the end of 2012, and I am looking forward to having a full 2013 collection.

February 7th 'Your Name'  

The new project is #52lists from the lovely Pip Lincolne of Meet me at Mikes and Justb Blog School. The rules are flexible, make a list and blog/tweet/facebook it using the hashtag #52lists.  One a week with a bit of a catch up to make 52 is my aim.

Rainbows over Brentwood. List 2 

Not strictly a list, but more a gathering of rainbows taken from various locations in my neighbourhood this morning.

Here at Make Do Sew,  I will be listing some iPhoneography apps and filters I use and enjoy.  Let's see where it takes us.  Please do join us and let me know what your favourites are - filter, font, best effect found.  Which app can you not stop using?  Have you always used the same one or do you cheat and go find other apps to use and dump the old ones?!

I use the iPhone 4 for all of my photos, so all of the apps I mention are from the iPhone repetoire.

So, here is List number 3 (yes I included the rainbows and my first list was a photo of a shopping list!)

Seven iPhone apps I like to mess about with and my favourite lens/font/filter in each them

1.  Hipstamatic.
This photo of my French bulldog, Pablo, is taken with the James M lens and the C-Type Plate.

2.  Camera +.
     I like to add the 'Clarity' scene and on top of that put the 'Vibrant' filter in FX Effects and Color
     filter.  This really pulls out colour and detail.

3.  Overgram.
This a photo of some earrings I made.  I added Clarity in Camera+, then popped the photo into Overgram (it is worth paying for the full version I think) and added the Text which is 'Live Simply'.

4.  Laminar Express (used to be called Iris).
For the bananas fighting for a place in banana bread, I used the crop in Laminar Express then added the speech bubbles in Edit - Annotate - Bubbles.

5.  TypeDrawing.
I took this photo in Instagram, then put it in TypeDrawing to get the words on.  It took me a few goes to get the circle right and even more goes to get the last word to end correctly and not overlap.  Thank goodness these apps are very forgiving and we get to try try again!

6.  PicFrame.
I picked the six frame.  Tap each box and add a photo.  Position the photo with your finger.  Keep an eye on the positioning as they sometimes move back to where they started.  I narrowed the frame and added a label.  Remember to save when you are done!  I had to do this one twice as I accidentally hit 'clear' instead of the save 'cloud' thingy.  Oops.

7.  Instagram.
Some bracelets close up.  Instagram is a great sharing machine and I enjoy seeing other peoples photos on there.  It is also a good place to swap techniques, most people are happy to tell you how they got to the end picture.  Just be sure to think before you post as it is a public playground.

All of the apps are in iTunes, some are free and some not.  

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  1. ooo a shopping list? I collect those!
    it's good to look back on the years photos and remember the seasons and fun:

  2. Oh thanks for listing your fav apps. I'm always interested to know what others use!

  3. @chocolategirl64, you are so welcome to my shopping list! I agree about the year photos, I love to look back on photos.
    @Nicnax, I am a hopeless collector of apps, so any new apps or techniques I am interested in too.

  4. My (lack of) photography skills is just one of the many things I need to get on top of this year, and apps are something that I am really interested in. (I am hoping they will be kind to my rubbish photos!).
    And your dog is super cute!! X

  5. All the apps you mentioned looks awesome. I especially like TypeDrawing. I wonder if there is a similar app for an Android phone (sadly mine is not an iPhone).

    P/S : Pablo looks cute btw

    x Cass

  6. Georgie, you need no skills, just the ability to spot something interesting or something you can make interesting and a willingness to give it a go. Nothing can go wrong with a phone, a photo and a crazy app! Have fun and play with it. Pablo is cute sometimes!!
    Cassie, I love Typedrawing, not sure about other phones, I am sure there is something similar for the Android, or there will be soon.
    Remember to share any cool apps you find, we need to know!!!
    Thanks, Clare x

  7. Hey Clare, congrats on your guest post.....I'm finally catching up! I'm happy to get info on new apps, as I'm totally new to the whole process, so thanks for these. Lisa xx


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