Wednesday, 9 January 2013

A Month Of Moments - Creative Link Up #amonthof 1-7/31

I'm such a novice blogger, I've been seeing hashtag link-ups on Instagram for a while now and didn't know what they were all about. I've now joined the JustB blog link up 'A Month of Moments' (#amonthof). Each day an inspirational word is given that can be interpreted in any way (see the info below).
I've really enjoyed participating so far and thought I'd share my first weeks work, a series of photos; it has been great to have a creative challenge each day and so far with a bit of app trickery I've been quite happy with the results. Why not join in, it's not too late and if this months theme doesn't appeal to you maybe next months will.

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  1. #amonthof is such fun. I really like your idea of putting the text on the photo, it looks really cool!

    1. Thank you, I've cheated and used the overgram app. Hope you are well xx

  2. A really good idea to get in the creative zone..I'm inspired!


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