Thursday, 13 December 2012

Thai Beef Salad Recipe

I love this time of year, the festive season is a time when we all over indulge and so we should. Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, Christmas pud, a fantastic cheese board, sherry trifle, cold cuts, the list goes on and on, not to mention the booze we wash it all down with. I remember one Christmas where I ended up eating 5 Christmas dinners due to all the work and family events I had to attend.

However we all know that post Christmas slump when we feel the after effects of all that rich food, when I feel this way I crave something light and tasty, a meal that's quick to prepare and healthy. Sound familiar? If so then I have a great recipe for you, Thai beef salad.


Serves 2 people

2 tbsp fish sauce
3 1/2 tbsp fresh lime juice
1 tbsn palm sugar (Demerara sugar can be used as an alternative)
2 cloves garlic minced
1 chopped chilli seed removed (can use more if you like it spicy)
1/4 cucumber finely sliced
3 shallots finely sliced (or one small red onion)
1/2 cup of fresh mint leaves
1/2 cup fresh coriander
2-3 tomatoes cut in to quarters
2 x beef steaks size according to your appetite (rump, sirloin, rib eye can be used)
2 handfuls chopped lettuce (optional)


Mix the lime juice, fish sauce, sugar, garlic and chilli in a bowl and mix well together allowing the sugar to dissolve. Leave to one side allowing the flavours to infuse whilst the steak and salad are prepared.


Pan fry the steaks to your liking, if you have one use a griddle pan, once cooked leave them to rest whilst you prepare the salad.


Place the cucumber, tomato, shallots, and lettuce in a bowl. Add the mint leave, these can be roughly chopped or torn. Finally add the coriander, again roughly torn.

Once the salad is done slice your steaks and place on the top of the salad, finally drizzle each dish with the dressing.

This dish takes less than half and hour to prepare and the dressing and salad are fat free, if you choose a lean cut of steak this is a very healthy meal. All the ingredients can be adjusted to your own taste, it took me a few attempts to get it right for my pallet.

Give it a go, I'd love to hear how you got on.


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